
At Appalachian Orthopedics, we understand how important swift and proficient care is for injured workers. Through our dedicated workers' compensation program, we provide the timely, specialized care crucial for achieving optimal outcomes and ensuring a prompt return to work.
- Same-day appointments are available for most injuries and conditions.
- We will accommodate all acute injury requests within 24 to 48 hours.
- We keep employers in the know regarding the status of the injured workers.
- We fax work status reports directly to the appropriate parties in a timely manner.
- All phone calls will be returned within 24 hours after messages are received.
- Our program is constantly evolving with the industry to fit work injury needs.
- Our coordinators ensure a smooth and streamlined patient care experience.
- Our dedicated workers' compensation team is available by phone or email. We communicate effectively with employers, adjusters, attorneys, and case managers.
- With access to:
- Dedicated procedure rooms
- Durable medical equipment (DME)
- Imaging, including MRI, digital X-ray
- Physical therapy
If you have questions about our workers’ compensation program or want to schedule a consultation, please call our dedicated workers’ compensation coordinators or complete the form below, and we will contact your employee or claimant directly to schedule an appointment.
Abingdon & Bristol Regional Medical Center
Sherrie Seymore – (423) 844-6458
Elizabethton & Johnson City
Audrea Evans – (423) 979-3331